Man caves are a popular trend among men who would like to create a getaway in their own home. These areas of the home may be located in a basement, garage, den or other spare room in the home. In many cases, the man caves include a television, video game system, a comfortable seating area […]
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Author: admin
Winning Her Heart vs. Winning an Argumen...
This article republished with permission from Dr. Michelle Watson A couple of years ago my friend Steve said something that blew me away and has stayed with me ever since. In fact, it’s so good that I asked if I could both quote him and interview him. Quick backstory: Two years ago Steve’s daughter Maddie was […]
A Review of William Sanders’ book, “Stay
William Sanders true account of his childhood upbringing is at once brutal and shocking. His style is engaging and you immediately feel like you are a part of his unfolding forbidden drama. Of course no child should have to experience the shock of being “abducted” by his own mother but, amazingly, there is redemption in the […]
Make A Date With Your Child
I know life can feel overwhelming and sometimes we lose focus on our true priorities. The every day routines of life often get in the way of making our children feel special. If it’s been a while since you spent quality one on one time with your child(ren) set aside time to make a date […]
Be A Good Sport
Are you modeling good sportsmanship to your kids? Sportsmanship can be summed up in three words—courtesy, respect, and consideration. Participation in sporting events provides children with opportunities to learn and acquire these traits. Brainstorm with your child about what qualities are important in good sportsmanship. List four or five qualities that you think exemplify good […]
Reading With Your Child
Imagine sitting your baby in your lap and reading a book to him for the first time. How different from just talking! Now you’re showing him pictures. You point to them. In a lively way, you explain what the pictures are. You’ve just helped your child take the next step beyond talking. You’ve shown him […]
Internet Rules
If you let your kids use the Internet, you need rules. The first one should be that they should never give out their full name, address, telephone number or school. And if they make a friend through the Net, they can only meet them in person if they take mom or dad along. In addition, […]
Don’t Be Afraid To Display Affection
Kids need to hear affectionate words from their parents, and they need to hear them often. They need to hear you say “I love you” with sincere devotion. Obviously, if you rattle off these three words like a commercial one hundred times a day, they will lose their impact. Affectionate words must come from the […]
Bedtime Blues
Children tend to see later bedtimes as a symbol of being ‘grown-up’. An early bedtime means you’re still treating her like a baby. If her younger sibling goes to bed at the same time, the humiliation is compounded! Her Bedtime is Your Time! Don’t feel guilty about wanting your daughter to go to bed. Parents […]
An Action Play for Bullying
First and foremost, teachers must make it safe for students to report bullying. It is crucial that teachers, administrators and other school personnel respect the anonymity of the victim and/or reporting students. Until students trust this will happen, bullying will go unreported, and bullies will continue to thrive. Second, adults must be aware of all […]